A TAXI driver licensed by Redditch Borough Council has had their licence revoked after their vehicle was found with illegal tyres.

It came after licensing officers from Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) on behalf of the council conducted a safety spot check exercise and found the taxi to have two tyres worn down to the cords, at risk of imminent failure.

Portfolio holder for community services and regulatory services, Cllr Lucy Harrison, said: “The vast majority of Redditch taxi and private hire drivers maintain their vehicles and are found to be in a safe condition, but the council will take robust action against those putting the safety of the public at risk.”

WRS licensing officers carry out regular checks on taxi compliance and safety alongside partner agencies.

Leader of Redditch Borough Council, Cllr Matt Dormer, said: “Taxis are a vital service, and a robust system of licensing and checks keeps standards high and weeds out problems to the benefit of all.”