The meeting held at the Southcrest Manor Hotel on Thursday was very lively. We were all pleased to meet up again after the excitement of our 50th Anniversary weekend which we celebrated in style over the three days of October 21-23.

Margaret Toole started the evening by welcoming Rev. Richard Clark, Chairman of the Cherish Fund. The Cherish Fund works to provide Education, Healthcare and enable development projects in areas of Africa in great need. One instance is in Sierra Leone where only 7% of children are enrolled for primary school. His talk was very comprehensive and made us more aware of the problems the communities in different areas have to overcome.

The business meeting that followed dealt with issues concerning the conference to be held in Malta this month, the Regional Meeting on 10th December' and a report on Programme Action, ( the charities we are involved with and the individual volunteers working for different groups).

Liz let us know about up and coming events. We have a Murder Mystery evening on 26th November at Gail's Home. Proceeds to go to the Meru Garden Fund.

A trip to see Cinderella at the Swan in Worcester is arranged for the 5th January. A quiz and Fish and Chip supper is being organised for 14th January at Windmill Community Centre, non members very welcome.

The meeting closed at 9.45 and the next meeting is our Christmas meal at Bramley Cottage on December 8, 7pm for 7.30pm.

Soroptimist's focus on transforming the lives of women and children locally, nationally and globally through education empowerment and enabling. Bromsgrove and Redditch Club meets every second Thursday of the month at The Southcrest Manor Hotel Redditch.

Anyone considering joining us will find a very lively and interesting group of members.Further information is available on and 07799482444 or 07812985927.