The club was well attended on March 2 for a talk by Victoria Logue entitled Making the Most of Your Garden. She was not speaking about extending the flowering season by giving a list of autumn flowering plants as might be expected but of the many other ways to improve the whole look of the garden however small or large. She started by exhorting her audience to feed their garden, to use whatever is at hand to improve the fertitity of the soil. This especially applied to permanent plants in containers which may be existing in a very small amount of soil. She also begged the audience to weed out plants which are struggling, telling them that they need not feel like murderers by doing so. Focal points were her next suggestion, be they statues or structures or borrowed landscape. Then there were suggestions for autumn and winter colour and she finished with tasks for the week. Victoria Logue is a concise and clear speaker and engaged the audience really well.

The speaker on April 6 is an old favourite, John Ruffell on Photographing Gardens. This is a new show for John who will start with another photography masterclass and then go on with sequences from various gardens including Hestercombe, Westbury Water Gardens, Belsay and Alnwick.

Tickets can now be booked for this year’s trip to Hodnet Hall and Wollerton Old Hall on June 18th

Any enquiries can be made to the secretary on 01789 765105. Membership is still at £10 a year. Meetings take place at the Centre, Jubilee Court, accessed via Lea Close Alcester, usually on the first Thursday of the month. Everyone is welcome and there is a charge of 2.50 for guests but this does include refreshments.

Join in on the Facebook group Alcester Gardening Club.