At the meeting in April, the talk was about photographing gardens with John Ruffell. John is a club member of long standing and is a camera wizard, with many tips for how to capture the essence of a plant or an insect on a flower or a garden scene. He then proceeded to charm his audience with several of his show sequences of various gardens including some of the club’s own visits from last year to Wisley and Hestercombe.

In May, on one of the first milder evenings, members visited Glenis Dyer’s garden at Welford and were very taken with her hospitality and the depth of her knowledge and obvious love of her plants. The clematis were not open yet but the peonies were glorious. Her Banksian rose was in spectacular bloom. Teas were provided and home made cake which is always most welcome. Twenty four of the club members attended and went away with many ideas.

On Sunday June 18th there will be a full day’s coach trip to the gardens at Wollerton Old Hall and Hodnet Hall. These gardens, near Market Drayton, vary in style but are both very interesting and should be beautiful in June. It’s not too late to book a seat by calling the secretary on 01789 765105. The price is £28 for non-members to include travel and entry to the two gardens.

The next indoor meeting is on July 6 when Darren Rudge will talk about garden design and as usual, all are welcome.

Any enquiries can be made to the secretary on 01789 765105. Membership is still at £10 a year. Meetings take place at the Centre, Jubilee Court, accessed via Lea Close Alcester, usually on the first Thursday of the month. Everyone is welcome and there is a charge of 2.50 for guests but this does include refreshments.

Join in on the Facebook group Alcester Gardening Club.