TAXIS and private hire vehicles have been subjected to safety check.

As part of a continuing programme to ensure the safety of such vehicles is maintained, Redditch Council licensing officers, police traffic officers, vehicle examiners from the Department for Transport Vehicle and Operator Services Agency and investigation officers from Ofcom mounted a vehicle stop check safety operation.

It took place on Friday, September 14 and vehicles were given roadside examinations. A total of 10 vehicles underwent further examination.

Three were found to have faults and were the subject of prohibition notices requiring the faults to be rectified.

The licence of one vehicle was suspended and radio equipment from four vehicles detained. Faults related to a defective tyre, faulty lights and a faulty brake calliper.

A council spokesman said: "The outcome of this inspection confirms the improvement to the licensed fleet.

"It also demonstrates the need to continue pro-active initiatives such as spot checks and verbal advice by licensing officers along with joint operations with other agencies."