A KIDDERMINSTER man was disqualified from driving for 56 months for speeding a Mercedes in Redditch.

Luke Spicer, of Stourport Road, was caught speeding on Windmill Drive on March 21, exceeding the 40 miles per hour limit. Along with the disqualification, the 27-year-old was ordered to pay a £660 fine, £66 surcharge and £90 costs at Worcestershire Magistrates Court on October 28.

Also at Worcestershire Magistrates Court, a Redditch woman was fined for using her mobile while driving.

Charlene Chadwick, of Dormston Close was fined £76 for driving along Feckenham Road while using a mobile on April 21. The 34-year-old was also ordered to pay a £34 surcharge and £50 costs by magistrates on October 24.

Over at Kidderminster Magistrates Court, a Bromsgrove man was handed a 12-month suspended sentence for breaching the terms of an earlier suspended sentence.

Steven Brocklehurst, of Austin Road, was hit with a suspended sentence by magistrates on August 12 for attempting to engage in sexual communications.

Appearing at Kidderminster Magistrates Court on November 3, the 54-year-old admitted breaching its requirements. Along with the new suspended sentence, he was ordered to follow a curfew for ten weeks.

Meanwhile, a Bromsgrove man was hit with a fine for driving offences. Jordan Dyer, of King Edwards Avenue, was caught driving on Birmingham Road without insurance and without proper control of the vehicle on February 25.

The 27-year-old admitted the offences at Worcestershire Magistrates Court on November 1, where he was fined £270.