A RECREATION of an iconic crop circle that inspired a Led Zeppelin album cover has appeared near the grave of drummer John Bonham.

Nearly 33 years since the famous Eastfield Pictogram first appeared in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, the form has materialised once again in Rushock, Worcestershire.

The image of the mysterious 1990 crop circle was used on the cover of the legendary rock band Led Zeppelin’s Remasters album.

Redditch Advertiser: The recreated Eastfield Pictogram in the Worcestershire countryside The recreated Eastfield Pictogram in the Worcestershire countryside (Image: Kris Malford)

John Bonham's grave is located at St Michael’s Church on a hilltop, which overlooks the field where the new crop circle has appeared. The Redditch-born musician, who passed away aged just 32 in 1980, is remembered as one of the greatest drummers in rock history.

Photographers have been capturing shots of the new pictogram, which was discovered on Sunday (July 16) near Cakebole Lane, and have shared their pictures on The Croppie, a website for crop circle enthusiasts.

Redditch Advertiser: The grave of John Bonham in RushockThe grave of John Bonham in Rushock (Image: Kris Malford)

A post on The Croppie website said: "As you might expect, allegations have surfaced that this circle was a paid-for commission.

"The Croppie has investigated and there appears to be no proof of this whatsoever.

"We suggest croppies take this formation for what it is: a reproduction, remaster, even, of the most iconic crop circle of all time".

The discovery of the original 600ft pictogram in 1990 caused a global frenzy and ignited a debate over whether these formations were the result of something unexplained.

'Croppie’ Kris Malford, who took photographs of the new Rushock crop circle, said: “I just find them magical – the happiness they bring to people.

“They make people think about what’s going on in the world around you”.