A GROUP of friends who set up an online podcast version of the eighties board game Dungeons and Dragons during lockdown have become an international success with more than half a million downloads and fans in 120 countries.

Their podcast, Roll Britannia, is so successful, that they have been invited as guest speakers at one of the biggest games conventions in the country - UK Games Expo at the NEC in Birmingham this weekend (May 31 to June 2).

Paul Horton, from Bidford, said it started out as a way of keeping in contact when Covid rules forbid them to meet up in person.

None of the friends had been old enough to play the game back in the eighties but when one suggested they do an online version they all decided to give it a go.

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Mr Horton said: “It really was about trying to keep ourselves together as a group and support each other’s mental health during what was a difficult time. A few of us had been furloughed and it wasn’t easy to stay positive.

“Because we weren’t able to meet up in person we thought it might be fun to play a virtually once a week.

"We all liked the fantasy stories such as The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and Dungeons and Dragons was an obvious choice and to record it for fun and put it on the internet.

“I had originally thought we would be lucky if we got five thousand downloads in its first year. In the end we got ten times that. I’m amazed how well it has taken off and the way the podcast industry has recognised our achievement inviting us to talk at the a podcast show and about finding our niche audience and give advice to new podcasters.”

Now joined on the show by Paul’s wife, Sophie, the friends even sell Roll Britannia merchandise, including dice, games, books, mugs, T-shirts, and hoodies.

Mr Horton added: “Of course the dream is to do this as a full-time job but we may need a few more downloads yet. Like Dungeons and Dragons, it’s the roll of the dice which will decide the future.”

People can see Roll Britannia at the UK Games Expo from May 31 to June 2 2024 at the NEC on Stand 2-1104 where they have three live shows over the course of the event.