Residents in Redditch are being educated on the importance of strength training.

Redditch Borough Council's Sports Development Team is encouraging everyone to add simple strength exercises to their daily routine, using commonplace items or attending gym and community classes.

Research suggests that incorporating these exercises can boost muscle power, balance, flexibility, reduce the risk of falling and enhance quality of life among older adults.

Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services, Councillor Juliet Barker Smith, said: "Strength training plays a vital role in preserving health and independence, particularly as we grow older.

"Our goal is to encourage people of all ages to focus on their wellbeing and remain active by offering simple and accessible exercises.

Throughout May, the council offered tips on strength, cardio and flexibility.

Leader of the council, Councillor Joe Baker said: "The health and wellbeing of our residents is very important, so it has been wonderful to see the wide variety of opportunities available to people of all ages and abilities throughout the Move In May campaign."

Multiple classes incorporating strength exercise, such as Tai Chi, Active Seniors, and Escape Pain, are offered by the council.

One participant of a recent 'Escape Pain' session has doubled his sit-to-stand ability in a few weeks of training.

There are also exercises that can be done at home, utilising everyday items like tins of beans and water bottles as weights.

Additionally, Worcester County Council's Ageing Well initiative suggests that doing as little as 10 minutes of resistance band exercise, twice a week, can slow down age-related functional decline.

Free resistance bands can be collected from all Worcestershire libraries.