BIKERS rallied around a woman who was seriously hurt after a motorcyclist spooked her horse leaving her unable to work.

Biker group Steel Horse Bike Nights wanted to help replace her lost earnings and prove that not all bikers behave badly by holding the event on Sunday (June 9).

They started and finished at The Oak Apple Inn in Defford. 

The group decided to raise the money after hearing how horse rider Alicia Askey fell off her horse when a motorbike sped past on Wednesday, May 8.

Expectations were beaten with 124 bikes turning up for the ride, almost double what organisers had originally predicted.

124 bikers turned up for the ride124 bikers turned up for the ride (Image: Steel Horse Bike Nights)

Miss Askey said: "It all went great. 

"It was a nice well-planned ride and loads of people attended.

"I have ridden a bike before and I don't get out a lot at the moment due to my injuries but it was nice to see so many people."

£860 was raised by Steel Horse Bike Nights for Miss Askey.

Rain held off throughout the ride and it lasted for 75 minutes, passing by Spetchley, Alcester and Evesham before returning to The Oak Apple Inn for something to eat.

Miss Askey continued: "A lot of people were appalled by what happened and everyone was sorry. 

"I have more issues with cars usually than with bikes but it was just this one idiot and now I can't ride for at least six months.

"I have never been more than a week without riding and now it's been over a month so I am really missing it a lot."

Steel Horse Bike NightsSteel Horse Bike Nights (Image: Steel Horse Bike Nights)

Miss Askey has been left traumatised after the incident in which she needed surgery after breaking both her ankles and her left tibia. 

The surgeon told her the injuries may not recover on their own and that it would take a year to recover fully. 

Neil Middleton, co-founder of Steel Horse Bike Nights, said: "It all went very well and it ran like clockwork. 

"The weather was fine, a bit drab but there was a good turnout.

"She was overwhelmed and the bikers all enjoyed doing the ride for her. 

"It was good, her family was there, it was a job well done."

The group gathered at The Oak Inn in DeffordThe group gathered at The Oak Inn in Defford (Image: Steel Horse Bike Nights)

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said: "The incident was reported to us around 4pm on May 8.

"The incident was investigated as far as reasonably possible, but no suspect was identified.

"The case has been closed, however should further information become available this would be investigated."