CHARGES of supplying drugs and possessing an offensive weapon made against a former Redditch United manager have been dropped.

Matt Clarke, from Bromsgrove, had always maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty to the charges.

On Facebook, Mr Clarke said: "I cannot put into words the stress and strain it has placed on myself, family and friends.

"There was no justification in any way for the charges as I wasn’t in any way shape or form involved in anything illegal and never been involved with drugs of any kind".

The charges of supplying cocaine and cannabis, and being in possession of an offensive weapon, have been withdrawn by the Crown Prosecution Service during a hearing at Worcester Crown Court on Friday (June 21). 

Last month a criminal damage charge was also dropped against the 50-year-old.

On May 15, Redditch United announced that Mr Clarke had stood down as the men's first team manager with immediate effect.

No evidence was also offered against co-defendants Harnaik Malhi, aged 44, from Quinton, Birmingham, and Keller Preece, aged 26, from Hereford, who had also been charged with class A drug supply and possessing an offensive weapon. They have pleaded guilty to a class B drug supply offence. 

A previous version of this story said Harnaik Malhi and Keller Preece pleaded guilty to the charges of supplying cocaine and cannabis, and being in possession of an offensive weapon, according to information from Worcester Crown Court. The CPS has confirmed that no evidence was offered against them in relation to class A drug supply and possessing an offensive weapon charges.