RACHEL Maclean has thanked her supporters and spoken of her "sadness and disappointment" after losing her seat in the general election.

The Conservative candidate was first elected as MP for Redditch in 2017, but lost her seat to Labour's Chris Bloore in last week's election.

Reacting to the outcome of the election, Mrs Maclean said: "First, I humbly thank everyone who voted for me, only 789 fewer than voted for Chris. That was a significant number, against the backdrop of the dreadful results across the country for our party.

"Even after four general elections (two won, two lost!) I've never lost the thrill I experienced the very first time a complete stranger said to me "I voted for you."

"I am grateful you put your trust in me, and I know from thousands of conversations that some of you did so grudgingly because of how our party had let you down over the last few years for a long list of reasons. I know some of you did that because of me personally, and my record of dedication to Redditch. I also know that many of you did so because we had been able to help you with your problems and issues".

"The most humbling thing about the campaign was that everywhere I went, people came to me and told me how I had helped them and in those conversations, I knew that what I had done had made a difference to a community. The sense of purpose that drove me to enter politics was repaid in spades by people in the constituency it has been my privilege to serve".

She also sent her best wishes to her successor Chris Bloore.

She added: "I wish Chris the very best in his new role. As I said at the declaration, being an MP is not a job it is a vocation.

"It has been stressful, enjoyable, frustrating, infuriating, joyful, humbling and satisfying in equal measures.

"It is the best job in the world as well as at times the worst".