A FIRM which pleaded guilty to failing to ensure the safety of its customers after a forklift truck ran over a man’s foot has had a £1.2m fine reduced.

Stark Building Material LTD has been hit with a fine of £300,000 for breaches of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, at Birmingham Crown Court on July 2.

The original case, brought by Redditch Borough Council, was heard at Worcester Magistrates Court on October 20, 2023, where the company was fined £1.2m plus costs of £11,029 awarded to the council and a victim surcharge of £190.

It related to an incident in June 2021 at the Clive Road branch of Jewson in Redditch where a forklift truck ran over the foot of a customer leaving him with life-changing injuries.

Officers found there were no marked out pedestrian walkways or safe crossing points to keep people and vehicles separate, including forklift trucks and delivery lorries.

Line markings had worn away and were faded and although this had been identified by the company four months prior to the incident as needing reinstating, the work had not been carried out.

The Redditch branch of the builder's merchants is now permanently closed. 

Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services Simon Wilkes said: “Even though the fine was reduced this case should be a warning to others to ensure the safety of customers and employees and to double check their controls are up to scratch and in place.

“Our Environmental Health Team will continue to take action where proper safety measures are not organised as we continue to protect our communities.”