The next phase of improvement works in Redditch town centre is set to start next week. 

Work is set to take place on Unicorn Hill and Church Green West in the week starting Monday, July 29.l 

The works follow on from improvements made in the town centre in Alcester Street and Market Place between 2017 and 2021. 

The next phase of work will see the introduction of wider cycle lanes, resurfaced footways, new cycle parking, bins and benches. 

There will also be new loading and disabled bays on Unicorn Hill and the top half of the existing taxi rank will be available for limited waiting parking during the day. 

To enhance safety for everyone, loading will only be permissible from the new loading bay. 

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Council's cabinet member with responsibility for highways and transport, said: "I'm really pleased to see that further improvements to Redditch town centre will be taking place. 

"They will make a huge difference to the appearance of the town, and I look forward to them starting soon. This major investment in the heart of Redditch will bring benefits to local retailers, businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

"The project will contribute significantly to the sustainability of our local economy and long-term viability and prosperity."

Redditch Borough Council leader Joe Baker added: "I am delighted to see the improvement works set to continue.

"This latest phase will encourage people to visit our town centre on bicycles and on foot, help our businesses to receive deliveries and in general enhance the look and feel of the area.

"While there will be some disruption during the works the end result will be worth it for people living and working in Redditch or indeed just paying us a visit."

The work will start on Unicorn Hill and is expected to take up to 12 months to complete under multi-phase traffic lights. 

The exact location of the signal controls will vary as the work progresses. 

Towards the end of the works, there will be some overnight closures to allow for carriageway resurfacing. 

The scheme is a collaboration between Worcestershire County Council, which is carrying out the work, and Redditch Borough Council which secured the funding. 

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