PLANS to demolish Redditch Library and move it into the town hall have been rejected. 

Plans for Redditch’s new community hub will now change after Redditch Borough Council’s executive committee voted to withdraw an invitation to Redditch Library to move into it.

The decision means the local authority will now work on bringing other tenants into the town’s developing multi-agency hub at the town hall.

Labour councillor Joe Baker, the leader of Redditch Borough Council, said: “After working on this issue for two years as a key campaign pledge, and after the people of Redditch gave us a resounding mandate through the ballot box in May’s election, we can finally say that we have stopped the move that would have led to the demolition of the library.

"We can now get on with a more suitable community hub.”

The council will formally notify Worcestershire County Council, the owner and operator of Redditch Library and its current building, of the decision, and work on new hub plans.

It also means the council will now work to determine the most effective alternative use for the £4m of Towns Fund money previously approved for the redevelopment of the library site.

The former Conservative administration planned to demolish the library and build a new shopping and leisure plaza designed to improve the connection between the Kingfisher Shopping Centre and the rest of the town centre.

Councillor Baker added: “We want to see the Towns Fund money used to boost Redditch, not demolish a much-used community asset. Those conversations are already happening, and we look forward to working with all parties on a resolution that benefits Redditch.”

“We will have a vibrant community hub in the town hall with opportunities for conference space and high-end office provision”.

New reports on revised hub plans and the Towns Fund money are now expected before the council’s executive committee in September.

Councillor Matt Dormer, the leader of the Conservatives on Redditch Borough Council, said Labour's plan shows "no ambition" and claims they put the council at "serious financial risk".

He said: “We presented fully costed and ambitious plans for Redditch which would have provided a fabulous new space for people to come to and enjoy our town centre.

"Our plans would have made Redditch town centre an excellent place to visit and would have increased footfall by attracting people from far and wide.”

He added that their plans for the community hub would have generated “substantial revenue” for the council.