SHOPKEEPERS in Redditch have been advised to stay "cautious" following rumours on social media of a planned riot in the town.

Redditch BID (Business Improvement District) manager Muj Rahman says he has held meetings with the police and council officers today (Wednesday, August 7) regarding the rumours, which he says are not backed up by any intelligence.

Regarding the rumours of a planned riot this evening, he said: "We believe that this isn't going to be the case today."

Some precautions however have been taken in the town centre, including the removal of benches and bins that aren't fixed to the ground from the town centre.

Regarding businesses in the area, he said: "We have advised them to be cautious but not to panic at the same time".

Speaking about the origin of the rumours, Mr Rahman said: "It started from a social media post. The original post spoke of the 41 different areas that they were going to target today.

"Someone's doctored that and changed one of the areas and put Redditch in there.

"It just takes one person to post something and the power of social media can reach thousands within hours.

"There isn't any intelligence to back those rumours that are online".

Police across the country are understood to be preparing to respond to more than 100 planned protests and potentially around 30 more counter-protests on Wednesday, with gatherings anticipated in 41 of the 43 police force areas in England and Wales. 

Police did not respond to rumours in Redditch but did release a statement on the national unrest earlier today. 

Chief Superintendent Edd Williams said: “The public can and should be confident that we are working hard to keep our communities safe.

“We do not underestimate the fear and worry the violence in other parts of the country has caused and know these groups do not speak for our communities.  

“It is our priority to make sure everyone feels safe and safer neighbourhood officers have been visiting and speaking with their local communities to offer reassurance and we continue to work closely with our partner agencies.

“We respect the democratic right to peaceful protest but will not tolerate violence and disorder and have robust plans in place to respond. We will take swift and decisive action against those who come into our cities and towns to commit violent disorder.

“We are proud of the strong community cohesion and will stand together with our communities against those who look to disrupt this.”