A NEW public art project dedicated to well-being has been hailed a success by residents and culminated in a free celebration event in Woodrow attended by 500 people.

This August, Redditch residents and artist Ben Adamson co-created a distinctive tree and soundscape in the Woodrow Centre, which then featured as the focal point for a free day of creative, family fun.

Ben, a multimedia, installation artist with a focus on experimental sound design, worked with local people to capture the stories of the Woodrow community rooted in local voices.

Together, they then created a "symbol of resilience, hope and growth" through the sculpting of an apple tree made of reused materials. People could then listen to the recorded stories while next to the tree.

Ben, who is local to Worcestershire, said: “I have been thrilled by the response of the Woodrow community. It has been amazing getting to know people and inspiring to see the community come together to create the unique apple tree and accompanying soundscape. The effort, creativity, and care poured into this project by every participant made it something truly special.”

Richard Bromhall, programme director for the Reimagine Redditch group, said: “We're thrilled that Ben has co-created this amazing public art with the people of Woodrow. Ben is not only a highly talented creative professional, but he was selected by a group which included our community panel of local people.