A creative and cultural programme in Redditch has secured a further £284,171 in funding. 

Reimagine Redditch, the Borough's dedicated creative people and places programme, has succeeded in its bid for funding from Arts Council England. 

The funding will allow the project to continue its work for one more year through to March 2026. 

Since its inception, Reimagine Redditch has been committed to working with local communities to shape and engage with the arts in ways that are meaningful to them.

Through a wide range of creative activities, workshops and events, the project has successfully connected with a range of groups and organisations across Redditch to co-create creative activities with people and artists. 

Jan Higgitt, chair of the Reimagine Redditch Consortium, said: "We are absolutely delighted to have secured this additional year of funding from Arts Council England.

"It’s a testament to the incredible work that has been done so far by our team and the amazing response we’ve received from the community.

"This funding will allow us to continue to reimagine what Redditch can be which is a place where creativity thrives and where everyone feels able to take part in arts and culture." 

The extended funding will enable Reimagine Redditch to build on its successes and help to achieve its vision that everyone in Redditch has the opportunity to take part in vibrant cultural experiences, created by them.

Over the additional year, the project will continue to deliver high-quality cultural experiences that resonate with the people of Redditch, while also exploring new and innovative ways to engage even more residents in the arts.

Richard Bromhall, programme director of Reimagine Redditch, said: "This extension of funding is a fantastic opportunity for us to deepen our engagement with people, groups, organisations, and businesses in Redditch’s communities.

"Over the past few years, we’ve seen the transformative power of people-centred creativity in action, achieving a variety of positive social impacts, such as improvements to mental health and a desire from people to get more creative than ever before.

"I am proud of what we have achieved so far, but I know that there is lots more to see and more work to do and I can’t wait to do more. 

"Reimagine Redditch’s role, alongside the local authority, the Cultural Compact, and our community and business partners is to grow creative opportunities in Redditch so that everyone, every single person, no matter their background or experience, has the choice to get creative."

The funding is equivalent to the year-on-year figure originally awarded to Reimagine Redditch for its first three years.

Find out more about Reimagine Redditch and the latest creative opportunities on offer by signing up for the newsletter or by visiting the website at www.reimagineredditch.org