A Worcestershire-based series of crime fiction novels has been published.

Mark Rasdall, who used to run the Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shop on Worcester High Street, was inspired to write fiction by the stories of his customers.

He would write fiction on cold winter days when the shop was less busy, and he would head into the back room.

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He has now completed the first three books in 'The Inspector Harcourt Mysteries'.

These books are available on Amazon as print, eBook, and Kindle Unlimited options, as well as at Worcester’s Script Haven bookshop and Tourist Information Centre.

The next book in the series is expected to be released later this year.

Each story takes place in a different part of Worcestershire, referencing many aspects of the county’s history as the West Mercia police team works to solve the mysteries being posed.

Mr Rasdall, who had a professional career as an information specialist in London’s advertising sector before moving to the area, said: "I have always loved history and am now fortunate enough to live in a beautiful part of England where my imagination can run riot while connecting the two."

More details can be found on Mr Rasdall's website at markrasdallwriting.com/fiction.html#Harcourt.