POLICE have issued a warning to dog owners after reports of livestock worrying in the Bromsgrove district.

The Redditch Safer Neighbourhood Team issued the warning on the force’s Neighbourhood Matters website.

Pet owners have been urged to ensure they keep dogs on a lead while around livestock – even if their four-legged companion is well-trained.

A police spokesperson said: “We have recently had a number of reports of livestock worrying, particularly in the Bromsgrove district.

“Livestock worrying is when loose dogs chase or attack farmed animals and it is a serious problem. Even well-behaved dogs can exhibit predatory behaviour around livestock like sheep or cows. This behaviour can cause the animals to become extremely stressed or injured and can be fatal.

“Livestock worrying isn't just a risk to animal welfare; it causes significant distress and financial losses to farmers.

“Responsible dog ownership is essential in preventing livestock worrying.

“As well as an owner being prosecuted for an offence, it is worth remembering that a farmer does have a legal right to shoot a dog in order to protect their property. None of us would like this to happen.”