A food bank in Alcester is urging people to support their harvest appeal this year with money and donations. 

Arden Foodbank, which supports people in Studley, Alcester and the surrounding areas, is asking the community for help in raising awareness and spreading the word about its harvest appeal. 

The food bank is particularly looking for donations of meat, soup, tuna, vegetables, tomatoes, baked beans, fruit, custard, penne pasta, jam and hygiene products. 

They are also encouraging people to organise community or workplace events to collectively donate food or raise funds. 

Any financial contributions will also allow the charity to purchase essential items and maintain its operations efficiently. 

Susan Kinnersley, manager of Arden Foodbank, said: "This harvest season, we are reaching out to all our communities in Alcester, Studley and our surrounding villages asking for help to support our work and to bring hope to those suffering hardship.

"Everyone working at Arden Foodbank is an unpaid volunteer, so I can assure everyone that every single donation made will go directly to helping local people in need.

"For many of the people who receive our support, walking through the doors of the food bank is one of the few social interactions they will have that week. We have become increasingly aware that we are not just providing people with food but also the hope of a welcome and connection.

"We need the help of our wonderful communities during Harvest to continue to address hunger and to provide the warmth of hospitality to those who have nothing or no one else to lean on."

"Over the last year, like many food banks in The Trussell Trust network, we have experienced record levels of need, as more people struggle to afford the essentials. It is likely that this situation will only worsen this winter, so this harvest appeal is vital and we are asking our communities to help us make a real difference to the lives of local people coming to our food banks."

Emma Revie, chief executive at the Trussell Trust, added: "We know that many people turn to food banks as a last resort and feel embarrassed that they need to ask for help but food banks across the country are there to offer a warm welcome, provide essential items and help people access services that can lift them out of poverty.

"By coming together and supporting your local foodbank this harvest and through to winter you are not just offering a meal, you are extending a hand of friendship, combating isolation, and helping to provide an environment where everyone is valued."

For more information visit https://arden.foodbank.org.uk