AN anti-knife campaigner has featured in a BBC documentary which highlights his work educating youngsters about crime.

Pete Martin, from Redditch, appears in SAS: Catching the Criminals, a documentary series hosted by ex-SAS leader Billy Billingham.

Mr Martin has been involved in helping to tackle the knife crime alongside West Mercia Police for ten years.

He visits schools and colleges, educating young people about the dangers of knife crime.

When he was younger, Mr Martin witnessed one of his friends being stabbed.

He told the documentary: "It's taken me many years to be able to deal with it. I'm still a bit traumatised now, but I have learnt coping strategies and by helping others, that has in a way been a part of my therapy".

"I believe carrying a knife is singularly one of the worst things you can do for your own self-protection.

"Many young people a year get stabbed by their own weapon".

The documentary shows Mr Martin speaking at an assembly and conducting a workshop with students at Parkside Middle School in Bromsgrove.

It also shows an insight into his 'Jabs Not Stabs' program, where he trains people in boxing.

The documentary features Libby Smith, who started training with Mr Martin after her cousin was murdered.

In the documentary, she said: "Losing someone like that, it just crumbles you. It turns your life upside down, it really does".

She heard about Mr Martin's program after a flyer landed through her door. She said that Pete is "perfect" for her situation.

She told the documentary: "By the end of the session you just feel a bit better about life".

Speaking about Mr Martin, Billy Billingham said in the episode: "Pete works tirelessly and helps countless children.

"It's amazing to see how one person can make such a difference".

People can watch Episode four of SAS: Catching the Criminals on BBC iPlayer now.