A plan to build six new homes in the Redditch countryside has been approved. 

The application, which was submitted to Redditch Borough Council by Kingslea MIA Holdings Limited, will see six new residential properties built on Dagnall End Road.

The site is currently occupied by a detached property known as Conwil which will be demolished and replaced with the new four and five bedroom homes.

Conwil has been derelict since 2010 and subject to repeated vandalism. 

Applications to develop the site have been refused or withdrawn in previous years including plans to build 10 new homes on the site in 2014. 

A revised application to construct eight homes on the site was submitted to the council in 2023, but this has now been changed after the applicant "carefully reviewed" the scheme and listened to feedback from neighbours. 

The house has been vandalised over the years The house has been vandalised over the years (Image: Kingslea Homes/Planning portal) The design and access statement said: "An application seeking consent to demolish the existing dwelling and construct eight dwelling houses, together with associated access, parking and landscaping was made valid by the LPA in May 2023.

"Consultee comments, together with neighbour objections received in respect of the proposals have been received and carefully reviewed and the revised scheme before you has been significantly reduced in scale, massing and density.

"Consent is now therefore sought for a revised scheme which seeks approval to demolish the existing dwelling and construct six residential dwellings on the site, together with associated access, parking and landscaping." 

The plans have previously been met with some controversy with 59 objections on the council planning portal and two supporting comments. 

Residents have raised concerns over increased noise and traffic in the area as well as the loss of green space. 

One objector Nigel Bellingham said: "The area around the derelict house is a home to all sorts of wildlife, trees and fauna. The development would destroy all this and ruin the peace and quiet that the walk affords.

"It would also increase noise and traffic, particularly for the residents of Berkeswell Close."

Nicholas Cotton said: "The proposed access onto Berkeswell Close will have a negative impact to residents with increased traffic, noise and loss of privacy and parking spaces."

Another objector Ulla Theiss added: "The site is a wooded area, one of the few left where wildlife can wander. Please don't make any more incursions with traffic and housing. They have nowhere to go."

The proposed location of the new homes The proposed location of the new homes (Image: Kingslea Homes/Planning portal)

Others were more supportive of the plans to build more homes in the area with one describing the derelict house as an "eyesore" and another praising the design of the development. 

One supporter John Mahler said: "I wish to support this application. The property is an absolute eyesore, and does nothing to enhance the local area at all. Moreover, its lack of development encourages anti-social behaviour." 

Another supporter Mr I Wilson added: "Having been a resident of Redditch in the past I am delighted to see this eyesore on the road finally receive a Planning application.

"I support this application and think the developers have done a fantastic job in proposing a well-designed development." 

The application was granted full planning permission on Tuesday, September 24. 

The approval statement added: "In dealing with this application the Local Planning Authority have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner, seeking solutions to problems arising from the application in accordance with the NPPF and Article 35 of the Town and Country Planning."

To view the full planning application search reference number 23/00543/FUL on the Redditch Borough Council planning portal website.