MUCH of the September meeting of the RLHS was concerned with finalising the arrangements for the heritage open day.

We were pleased also to welcome Councillor Alan Mason to the meeting as well as Alan Foxall and Phil Jarvis who were exhibiting at the open day.

As well as his personal interest in our heritage, Alan serves on several council committees and was able to share some insights to events and activities which affect the societies activities.

Members were also shown a planning document which sets out the possible projects to be included in the bid for funding to support the 2014 50th anniversary of the New Town celebrations. This document prompted discussion on whether the proposals were too ambitions for the society and the options open to share the work load with other groups. The meeting agreed that ball-park estimates were required on which to base decisions about next actions.

Next the meeting discussed the proposed 2012 exhibition proposals. It was agreed that the “Redditch to 1918” exhibition would go-ahead regardless of any Heritage Lottery Fund support but the “Sporting Redditch” proposal was still lacking a venue and leader.

Last topic on the agenda was confirmation that five history booklets would be available for the open day and that visitor reaction to them would be assessed to guide next actions with this venture.

Finally it was agreed that the next meeting will be on Monday, October 3, 2pm at Forge Mill.

If you would like further information on the RLHS please visit our website at redditchhistory., email us on contact@ or call either Anthony Green on 01527 61434 or Derek Coombes on 01527 404365