I UNDERSTAND Redditch Citizen Advice Bureau, together with other local charities, faces closure due to the insufficient funding by the local authority.

Despite the terrible effect closure would have for many people in Redditch, it appears that many of our local councillors do not appear to be duly concerned whether this happens or not.

Given the fact that the funding crisis could be resolved for the bureau and indeed, all the charities, by simply increasing council tax by £2 per person per year, their stance is both bewildering and scandalous.

I am writing to my local councillor to inform them that I expect to propose this increase to the council for consideration.

If they are not prepared to do so, then they can no longer rely on my vote at the next local elections.

If any of your readers feel as strongly as I do about this matter, then I suggest they contact their councillors too.

K Darby, Headless Cross.