REDDITCH Borough Council (RBC) is to be congratulated for its innovative ideas for reducing its operating costs without the painful methods of some other councils.

Two obvious cases spring to mind.

Firstly, cutting of the grass verges surrounding the housing estates, which serve as pathways for pedestrians, are rendered unnecessary by allowing the horsedrawn caravans of the travellers’ fraternity to park and undertake the grass cutting free of cost.

The other one is that it is rumoured that Worcestershire Cave Exploration Society has applied to rent the potholes in the pathway between Linton Mews and Middleton Mews, Winyates East, for training purposes. The only downside to this is the unmaintained bushes and brambles, which the council has neglected for many years, inhibiting entry.

Keep up the forward thinking RBC.

RAYMOND NORRIS Crabbs Cross Redditch